que dire, que faire...

Vous avez subit un bad beat de la mort ? Au contraire, vous avez explosé une table avec votre "royal flush" ? Sachez que cela intéresse en général peu de monde, mais si vous voulez évacuer la pression, c'est dans ce forum qu'il faut le faire !

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Inscription : Mercredi 17 Octobre 2007 18:50

que dire, que faire...

Messagepar thomas59160 » Dimanche 11 Janvier 2009 00:53

TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, P4-85850778-538
played at "Malang" for USD RM from 2009-01-10 17:44 until 2009-01-10 17:46
Seat 2: don zouan ($277.05 in chips)
Seat 3: baconsarny ($248.35 in chips)
Seat 4: dpknight ($197.15 in chips)
Seat 5: onions27 ($194.40 in chips)
Seat 6: thomas59160 ($137.55 in chips)
Seat 7: nebbia ($202 in chips)
Seat 8: wutzge1 ($285.20 in chips)
Seat 9: wiktor03 ($36 in chips)
Seat 10: -Jasten- ($187.60 in chips)
onions27 posts small blind ($1), thomas59160 posts big blind ($2).

nebbia folds, wutzge1 folds, wiktor03 folds, -Jasten- calls $2, don zouan folds, baconsarny folds, dpknight calls $2, onions27 folds, thomas59160 checks.

FLOP [board cards: :4c, :7d, :9h ]
thomas59160 checks, -Jasten- bets $5, dpknight calls $5, thomas59160 bets $10, -Jasten- calls $5, dpknight calls $5.

TURN [board cards: :4c, :7d, :9h, :3h ]
thomas59160 bets $21, -Jasten- calls $21, dpknight folds.

RIVER [board cards: :4c, :7d, :9h, :3h, :4d ]
thomas59160 bets $48, -Jasten- bets $154.60 and is all-in, thomas59160 calls $56.55 and is all-in.

-Jasten- shows [ :4h, :4s ]
thomas59160 shows [ :7c, :7h ]
-Jasten- wins $50.05, -Jasten- wins $285.10.
owned :evil:
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Inscription : Mardi 28 Octobre 2008 20:25

Messagepar tofdherbec » Dimanche 11 Janvier 2009 12:16

Rien , malheuresement je pense que tout le monde serai tombé dans le paneau ... un sale coup a oublier !
Sans ma femme, je serai aveugle...
Stevie Wonder
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Messages : 189
Inscription : Mercredi 17 Octobre 2007 18:50

Messagepar thomas59160 » Dimanche 11 Janvier 2009 17:40

TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, P4-85943309-20
played at "Bielefeld" for USD RM from 2009-01-11 10:30 until 2009-01-11 10:32

Seat 1: tristness38 ($79 in chips)
Seat 2: beche68 ($32.15 in chips)
Seat 3: jabba7805 ($103.55 in chips)
Seat 4: 171202 ($33 in chips)
Seat 5: x stier01 ($40 in chips)
Seat 6: 3L_Lo8o ($100 in chips)
Seat 7: thomas59160 ($71.45 in chips)
Seat 9: blue-hat ($38 in chips)
Seat 10: irekoporp ($20 in chips)

blue-hat posts small blind ($0.50), irekoporp posts big blind ($1), 171202 posts blind ($1), x stier01 posts blind ($1), 3L_Lo8o posts blind ($1).

tristness38 folds, beche68 folds, jabba7805 folds, 171202 checks, x stier01 checks, 3L_Lo8o checks, thomas59160 bets $3, blue-hat bets $10, irekoporp folds, 171202 folds, x stier01 folds, 3L_Lo8o folds, thomas59160 bets $68.45 and is all-in, blue-hat calls $27.50 and is all-in.

FLOP [board cards: :3s , :Ad, :As ]

TURN [board cards: :3s , :Ad, :As , :4h]

RIVER [board cards: :3s , :Ad, :As , :4h , :2d ]

thomas59160 shows [ :Qs , :Qc ]
blue-hat shows [ :3d , :3c ]
thomas59160 wins $33.45, blue-hat wins $77.

parfois j'en ai vraiment marre du poker :cry:
y'a vraiment des moves que je comprendrai jamais et qui te pete le cul ca me soule :evil:
comment le mec peut faire un call aussi dégueulasse!! il croit que je boite sur sa surrelance avec une PP2 ce débile?
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Inscription : Mercredi 17 Octobre 2007 18:50

Messagepar thomas59160 » Mercredi 14 Janvier 2009 16:45

TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, P4-86181372-479
played at "Skopje" for USD RM from 2009-01-14 09:35 until 2009-01-14 09:35

Seat 1: BoxXXxer x ($231.35 in chips)
Seat 2: gastone x ($253.40 in chips)
Seat 4: trailer333 ($227.05 in chips)
Seat 5: RaiderDuck ($205 in chips)
Seat 6: thomas59160 ($109.60 in chips)
Seat 7: J.Firpo ($285.90 in chips)
Seat 8: DrFeinstone ($277.20 in chips)
Seat 9: YALLAJALLA ($197.95 in chips)
Seat 10: Lamu ($221.30 in chips)

YALLAJALLA posts small blind ($1), Lamu posts big blind ($2).

BoxXXxer x folds, gastone x folds, trailer333 folds, RaiderDuck folds, thomas59160 bets $6, J.Firpo folds, DrFeinstone bets $18, YALLAJALLA folds, Lamu folds, thomas59160 calls $12.

FLOP [board cards: :8h , :7d , :6d ]
thomas59160 checks, DrFeinstone bets $28, thomas59160 bets $91.60 and is all-in, DrFeinstone calls $63.60.

TURN [board cards: :8h , :7d , :6d , :4d ]

RIVER [board cards: :8h , :7d , :6d , :4d , :Jc ]

thomas59160 shows [ :Qd , :Qh ]
DrFeinstone shows [ :Jd, :Jh ]
DrFeinstone wins $219.20.

et voila comment perdre plusieurs centaines de dollars en 4 jours et quelques coups comme ces 3 là...
le pire c'est que quand je vois sa main je suis convaincu qu'il va me chater
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Inscription : Lundi 07 Mai 2007 16:07

Messagepar Fryad » Vendredi 16 Janvier 2009 08:23

C'est laid, beaucoup te diront "that's" poker mais le poker est rempli d'une multitude de ... FISH :twisted: qui feront des moves comme ça qui te feront gagner plus que perdre sur le long terme ... A toi de savoir surmonter les "down" ...

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