Bobby Fischer est mort

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Bobby Fischer est mort

Messagepar hellboychess » Vendredi 18 Janvier 2008 13:58

Triste nouvelle que l'abandon prématuré de ce grand champion
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Inscription : Lundi 20 Février 2006 22:42

Messagepar hellboychess » Vendredi 18 Janvier 2008 17:18

Juste pour devoir de mémoire...

Robert Eugene Byrne - Robert James Fischer [E60]
US Ch. - (3), 18.12.1963

Notes from various sources.
1...Cf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 c6 4.Fg2 d5 5.cxd5 cxd5 6.Cc3 Fg7 7.e3 0-0 8.Cge2 Cc6 9.0-0 b6 10.b3 Fa6 11.Fa3
After White's 11th move I should adjudicate his position as slightly superior, and at worst complete safe. To turn this into a mating position in eleven more moves is more witchcraft than chess! Quite honestly, I do not see the man who can stop Bobby at this time. -- K.F. Kirby, South African Chess Quarterly
11...Te8 12.Dd2 e5 !
I was a bit worried about weakening my QP, but felt that the tremendous activity obtained by my minor pieces would permit White no time to exploit it.
would probably lead to a draw. -- Fischer
13.dxe5 Cxe5 14.Tfd1
"Add another to those melancholy case histories entitled: The Wrong Rook." -- Fischer ~ "This is very much a case of 'the wrong rook'. One can understand Byrne's desire to break the pin on the e2-knight, but this turns out to be less important than other considerations. Fischer spends a lot of time and energy analysing the superior 14. Rad1!, but still comes to the conclusion that Black can keep the advantage." -- John Nunn
Now it's all systems go for the Fischer rocket. -- Robert Wade
15.Dc2 Cxf2 !! 16.Rxf2 Cg4+ 17.Rg1 Cxe3 18.Dd2
Byrne: As I sat pondering why Fischer would choose such a line, because it was so obviously lost for Black, there suddenly comes... 18...Cxg2 !! This dazzling move came as the shocker... the culminating combination is of such depth that, even at the very moment at which I resigned, both grandmasters who were commenting on the play for the spectators in a separate room believed I had a won game! -- Robert Byrne
19.Rxg2 d4 ! 20.Cxd4 Fb7+
The King is at Black's mercy. -- Fischer
In a room set aside for commentaries on the games in progress, two grandmasters were stating, for the benefit of the spectators, that Byrne had a won game. Byrne's reply to Fischer's next move must have been draw dropping! -- Wade
And Byrne resigns. "A bitter disappointment. I'd hoped for 22.Qf2 Qh3+ 23.Kg1 Re1+!! 24.Rxe1 Bxd4 with mate to follow shortly." -- Fischer

et surtout une autre contre le frangin de son adversaire d'avant, qualifiée de partie du siècle par beaucoup...

Donald Byrne - Robert James Fischer [D92]
Rosenwald Memorial Game of the Century (8), 17.10.1956

1.Cf3 Cf6 2.c4 g6 3.Cc3 Fg7 4.d4 0-0 5.Ff4 d5 6.Db3 dxc4 7.Dxc4 c6 8.e4 Cbd7 9.Td1 Cb6 10.Dc5 Fg4 11.Fg5 11. Be2
followed by 12 O-O would have been more prudent. The bishop move played allows a sudden crescendo of tactical points to be uncovered by Fischer. -- Wade
11...Ca4 12.Da3
On 12. Nxa4 Nxe4 and White faces considerable difficulties.
At first glance, one might think that this move only helps White create a stronger pawn center; however, Fischer's plan is quite the opposite. By eliminating the Knight on c3, it becomes possible to sacrifice the exchange via Nxe4 and smash White's center, while the King remains trapped in the center.
13.bxc3 Cxe4
The natural continuation of Black's plan.
14.Fxe7 Db6 15.Fc4 Cxc3 16.Fc5 Tfe8+ 17.Rf1 Fe6
If this is the game of the century, then Be6 must be the counter of the century. Fischer offers his queen in exchange for a fierce attack with his minor pieces. Declining this offer is not so easy: 18. Bxe6 leads to a 'Philidor Mate' (smothered mate) with ...Qb5+ 19. Kg1 Ne2+ 20. Kf1 Ng3+ 21. Kg1 Qf1+ 22. Rxf1 Ne2#. Other ways to decline the queen also run into trouble: e.g.,
18. Qxc3 Qxc5 18.Fxb6 Fxc4+ 19.Rg1 Ce2+ 20.Rf1 Cxd4+
This tactical scenario, where a king is repeatedly revealed to checks, is sometimes called a "windmill."
21.Rg1 Ce2+ 22.Rf1 Cc3+ 23.Rg1 axb6 24.Db4 Ta4 25.Dxb6 Cxd1 26.h3 Txa2 27.Rh2 Cxf2 28.Te1 Txe1 29.Dd8+ Ff8 30.Cxe1 Fd5 31.Cf3 Ce4 32.Db8 b5
Every piece and pawn of the black camp is defended. The white queen has nothing to do.
33.h4 h5 34.Ce5 Rg7 35.Rg1 Fc5+ 36.Rf1 Cg3+
Now Byrne is hopelessly entangled in Fischer's mating net.
37.Re1 Fb4+ 38.Rd1 Fb3+ 39.Rc1 Ce2+ 40.Rb1 Cc3+ 41.Rc1 Tc2# 0-1

Faut juste se dire qu'il n'avait que 13 ans quand il a joué la seconde partie...
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Messagepar backtattoo » Vendredi 18 Janvier 2008 17:25

2 topic pour Bobby Fisher!!! (pierrot, dja en avait dja parlé), et 1 seul pour Carlos. Les jeunes et la culture ce n'est plus ce que c'était!!!

Et franchement Pierrot tous ces codes de Bataille Naval!!! mais vous fouez avec combien de bateau? t'es touché t'es coulé pis c'est tout!! pas la peine de déplacer ton porte avions en 13.dxe5 Cxe5 14.Tfd1 : ça se joue arretée la bataille naval!!!
Mojito spirit
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Inscription : Lundi 20 Février 2006 22:42

Messagepar hellboychess » Vendredi 18 Janvier 2008 18:00

backtattoo a écrit :2 topic pour Bobby Fisher!!! (pierrot, dja en avait dja parlé), et 1 seul pour Carlos. Les jeunes et la culture ce n'est plus ce que c'était!!!

Et franchement Pierrot tous ces codes de Bataille Naval!!! mais vous fouez avec combien de bateau? t'es touché t'es coulé pis c'est tout!! pas la peine de déplacer ton porte avions en 13.dxe5 Cxe5 14.Tfd1 : ça se joue arretée la bataille naval!!!

héhéhé... Regarde l'heure des post Chriss. Pierrot en avait "dja" parlé :wink:

Mais merci à Dja pour l'avoir aussi fraichement rappelé ! :lol:

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